Online performance art festival
יום א׳, 25 באוק׳

Time & Location
25 באוק׳ 2020, 10:00 GMT+2
About the event
- watch: 25th October 2020 at 7pm UTC
- duration: 6min
Inside Out 06:02 MINI DV, and digital art Collaboration with Diana Schuemann, dancer and choreographer, and Jessica Moritz a mixed media Artist Synopsis: Architecture is the starting point of this project. As we both are engaged in interactions and urban architecture (urban landscapes), we sought to create a piece that relates to our personal vision(s) and questions on interactions in seemingly limited spaces. We came up with the idea of choreography in the white cube as a statement and also as a performance. Choreography Based on limited gestures in limited space. Movement is the most basic gesture that we can experience and achieve. Still, when one moves, we tend to forget that each movement has a direction and thereby a specific and set goal. As we both are engaged in movement based works, in urban space and relations, we decided to create a project enganging with these themes and developed it around different interactions and possibilities. Hence, interactions with the Inside and Ouside world. Both of us are also immigrants, so expression will never be the same for us. We had to build our own language to be able to interact in our daily life. Therefore, our attitude and gesture made our experience unique. Our posture, gesture and observations of our surroundings made us stretch, bend over, fold, to fit in this life. In this specific work, where Diana (the performer) is dancing in a closed space but showing to the street and interacting with viewers, people passing by, cars traffic and noise. She is led in her movements by her own inside world which stands in constant exchange with the outside world. Reference: Hans richter, Bruce nauman
PERFORMANCE “Online Performance” is live performance that goes online directly on digital devises in the whole world at the same time. It is invented by Sandra Bozic with wish and goal to promote the approach and idea of new artistic style-Online performance art . The concept of this new art style is simply to go live with author performance art. It gives the possibility to be watched from anywhere in the world as a live art and piece of art. The first performances “Online Performance” were on 4th June, 27th June and 2nd July 2016.
PERFORMANCE “ONLINE PERFORMANCE” – the representative and the first art work as ONLINE PERFORMANCE ART style
Online performance art as a new art wave, new art style, upcoming period of artistic style, that uses live action directly going live on digital devices. It is born and invented for art performances to go live online. It is a live online show going directly so people all over the world can watch in the time. The “Online performance art” art style, gives the audience possibility to watch the show from anywhere in the world, in the same, appointed time, as a live performance art on digital devises. The performance is going in the exactly appointed time and has its duration of the live action online.
Author of the performance “Online Performance”and of the concept of Online performance art as an art style is Sandra Bozic.
Established in 2016, Online Performance Art is an artist-led online performance art platform that provides internet space for artists to connect and exhibit live performance art works online to a global audience.
Online Performance Art is the first and unique website to stream live performance art works over the internet. The platform has dedicated itself to the exploration of live performance art in the digital space and is committed to support the live performance art community.
For 5 years more than 500 artists have been live streamed live performances via the platform through the Online Performance Art Festival, which is hosted quarterly, and events.
Online Performance Art Festival is showing original performances from all around the world to a global audience on the webpage
The Festival is happening 4 times a year with its Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter Edition.
It’s most recent, the 16th Edition, took place in March 2020 showcasing more than 46 international artists for over 80 hours; the works were reached by more than 5000 global audience members.
Online Shows, is the events section of the Platform presenting collaborations with institutions, curators and artists (presenting individual or group performances or events) on the platform. is available as a 24h-platform for streaming live art events and invites co-creators from across the globe.
If you are an institution, curator or artist wishing to explore how you could bring your live performance art events into the digital space, please contact us at: